Everything You Need to Know Before Taking an Arts Class in Central Texas

Are you interested in taking an arts class in Central Texas? If so, there are a few prerequisites you should be aware of. The fine art program must provide instruction on the essential Texas knowledge and skills identified for fine art by the State Board of Education. A student who has received an associate degree or higher from an accredited institution must meet specific requirements to obtain an additional HCC degree. In order to enroll in the courses listed, you don't need to be a specialist.

However, you must demonstrate advanced and expanded performance, including the execution of works of art, progress in digital media literacy and writing skills, based on your achievements in the previous sections of ART 4313. You should also be able to apply art methods and principles in projects such as providing special art programs or exhibition assistance to organizations and providing technical studio assistance to artists. If you take ART 4433 for additional credits, you will be evaluated based on greater mastery of the skills defined in the learning outcomes of this course. This is also an introduction to the discipline of art history and archaeology, training students in the basic vocabulary and techniques of close observation and analytical thinking about visual material. You'll learn how art can be used as a tool for the joint creation of networks of joy, parenting and belonging. In addition to exhibition and teaching opportunities, graphic artists, designers, art manipulators, installers and art directors can be self-employed or hold salaried positions in art manipulation companies, design firms, publishers, advertising agencies and many companies with in-house communication departments. If you take ART 4313 for additional credits, you will be evaluated based on greater mastery of the skills defined above in the learning outcomes of this course.

If you enroll in ART 4673, you must demonstrate advanced and expanded performance based on your achievements in the previous sections of ART 4673. This course is a comprehensive study of the visual arts of Africa, in the social and cultural contexts in which people create and use these images. You'll also learn about the control of the spectator's experience, the political and religious use of art, the meaning of style, the functions of art in public and private life, and the role of art in the expression of cultural values. You'll understand the interactions between art movements, artists, critics and merchants, and you'll be able to enter a museum or art gallery and recognize all the styles and approaches mentioned above. Students will become familiar with the socio-historical and religious traditions in which multiple artistic traditions developed in South Asia. This course can only be used under extraordinary conditions when a self-taught student needs special instruction in an art area of study that is not offered in the normal course offering.