What Payment Methods are Accepted for Arts Classes in Central Texas?

Central Texas College (CTC) is accredited by the Universities Commission of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award associate degrees and certificates of completion. The Dougherty School of the Arts in Austin provides hands-on artistic opportunities for the local community, with expert artists teaching classes to help students experience creativity and personal growth. Payment for classes at CTC can be made in a variety of ways, including credit cards, debit cards, checks, money orders, and cash. Financial aid or scholarships may also be available to help cover tuition costs.

Credits earned at CTC are transferable to other institutions, but students should check with their advisor at the receiving institution to ensure that the courses are accepted into their program of study. Generally, four-year colleges and universities will accept a maximum of 66 semester credit hours of academic courses from the lower divisions for a bachelor's degree. The adult art program at the Dougherty School of the Arts is dedicated to enriching the Austin community with hands-on artistic opportunities. This methods course is concerned with providing experience for educators in training to plan, organize, impart and evaluate developmentally appropriate educational strategies and instructional techniques in teaching the arts to diverse students.

The fine art program must provide instruction in the essential Texas knowledge and skills identified for fine art by the State Board of Education. Participate in professional organizations, current events, research and presentations, labor market analysis, interviews, and curriculum preparation to prepare for the professional certification exam. Study of general editorial techniques in formats, graphics and methods of layout and design in technical publications. Analyze elementary and secondary education technology applications in Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and create a variety of desktop publishing products for use in future classrooms. Research methods in the mathematical sciences or in the teaching of mathematics through a research project led by a member of the departmental faculty. An online professional development course designed to introduce educators to the revised fine arts is now available through the Texas Gateway.

This course investigates the history of rhetoric from the origin of rhetorical studies in classical Greece and Rome to contemporary discussions about rhetoric in the digital age. This methods course is concerned with providing experience to educators in training to plan, organize, impart and evaluate developmentally appropriate educational strategies and instructional techniques in teaching the social sciences through the integration of English language arts and the fine arts. Explore the origins, evolution and influence of blues as a musical and literary art form through its impact on American culture and society, with special emphasis on the analysis of blues lyrics as poetic expressions in the great tradition of American song. In this course, participants will learn about several instructional strategies to improve learning experiences in education. This class introduces students to the theory, research and practices of writing tutoring, involving them with the outstanding scholarship on writing centers and, at the same time, provides practical experience through observations, joint tutoring and hours of live tutoring at the University's Writing Center. Central Texas College provides accessible, quality educational opportunities that support a diverse student population and promote student success, completion, and employability.

Early registration is recommended to ensure that classes meet their minimum enrollment and to have the best chance of securing space before the class is full. Minimum two-semester requirement that can be achieved by alternating semesters of full-time study with semesters of employment related to the curriculum, or by enrolling in courses at least part-time (6 semester hours) and working part-time in parallel employment positions related to the curriculum.